Why You Need the Use of the WordPress Plugins

WordPress Plugins

A child theme on WordPress is a theme that inherits the functionality of the parent theme or parent theme. In the child theme, only the modified files with respect to the original ones will be inserted, in order to add/modify the functions with respect to the parent. Using a child theme once theme updates are released, it will be sufficient to overwrite the parent theme, without losing all the changes that will remain in the child. The use of the WordPress Plugins is there for you.

Analysis of the theme in detail

WordPress Plugins

After carrying out all the previous analyzes, we generally find me with a maximum of 5/6 candidates. we, therefore, carry out more detailed analyzes to understand:

  • the operation of the administration panel, if it has been customized
  • compatibility with the different plugins
  • which plugins the theme depends on and if this dependence suits me or if it could create conflicts with the software installed by me
  • which shortcodes the theme provides

If then the site that we have to build must be optimized for search engines, we carry out a quick analysis of the on-site SEO of the layout, examining only the factors that compete with the graphic theme.

In conclusion, we will find me with three / four graphic themes to be submitted to the customer so that he chooses the one that best suits him.

Themeforest: how the support works

For less than a year, the ways in which the authors who publish their graphic themes on ThemeForest have offered support have changed. Or rather, the methods are always the same, however, in the purchase of a graphic theme the author who sells it is obliged by a contract stipulated with the company Envato, of which Themeforest is part, to offer support for at least 6 months to the user who purchased the software. If you want, you can extend this period by purchasing another 6 months in which to be protected by a “guarantee” form.

Users who have thus purchased a graphic theme from the platform may request help, in the event of misunderstandings or bugs, directly from the author through the comment service provided by Themeforest (which highlights in detail when a user who has purchased a theme ask a question) or with proprietary Help Desk services.

Always using the platform’s comments form, it is possible to request information from the author, before purchasing the theme, in order to understand if the layout is useful for our purposes or if it lacks the functionality we need.

Get the theme installed by the Themefores staff

The Themeforest staff offers an installation service for the selected graphic theme when a product dedicated to one of the most used CMS is purchased. The installation of a theme costs approximately € 50, but we can’t tell you since we have never tried this service if it also includes the configuration. From the price they propose, it seems to me very unlikely and in the case, it will always be appropriate to make a change in the configuration of the theme to adapt it to your needs.

Author: Antonietta Wineland